You have arrived. You are home.

Temple Israel Columbus is home to every person, no matter where you come from or how much you know.

We welcome you to this inclusive, dynamic, multi-generational community rooted in Jewish values and inspired by our desire to create a more loving and just world.

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FRIDAY | MARCH 21 | 6:00 PM

Join us Friday, March 21 for a special World Zionist Congress Shabbat service and learn how your vote can make a difference for Reform Judaism in Israel! For security reasons, we ask that you register below.

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THU | MARCH 27 | 6:00 PM

Join our clergy for a relaxing social gathering for women 18+ to study, chat and have a nosh! Sponsored by the Women of Temple Israel.

death over dinner

THU | APRIL 10 | 6:30 PM

Join us for for a conversation about end of life decisions, death rituals & what we think happens after we die designed to be as simple as sitting around the dinner table! With Rabbi Mars, hosted by Andrew Mills & Audra Longert. This program is free for Temple Israel members. Sign up below.

2nd seder reg

SUNDAY | APRIL 13 | 6:00 PM

Join Temple Israel Columbus clergy and staff for Second Seder. Enjoy a traditional Seder of matzah ball soup, chicket breast, salad and more. Vegetarian and children’s options are available. Register below to attend. Deadline to register is Thursday, April 10.

calendar web
We Stand With Israel

From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Seven Jewish Comedians Sparking Joy

Seven Jewish Comedians Sparking Joy jemerman

Here are just a few modern-day female and genderqueer badkhens who have broken the mold as they share their own brand of Jewish joy with the world.

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times jemerman

When invited to create work for the Jerusalem Biennale (an international art exhibition held every two years in Jerusalem) last year, artist Archie Rand decided to depict "a grouping of Jewish heroes who are women, appearing in an underreported story that should have a painted monument sampling the collective."

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder jemerman

Passover is soon approaching! Below are some of our favorite Passover resources, selected to help your seder preparations go more smoothly.

Good Jewish Girl

Good Jewish Girl jemerman

I am a "good Jewish girl," curly hair, nice teeth, and loves wearing gold. A "good Jewish girl," who keeps a Star of David around her neck on the silver chain her mom bought her.