Temple Israel Columbus Foundation

The Temple Israel Foundation was founded in 1969 by several congregants who saw the need to provide for and augment religious life at Temple Israel Columbus in perpetuity. Foundation funds are endowed perpetual funds that remain permanently invested through the Foundation and generate annual interest.

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Those who came before us built Temple Israel Columbus. That is their legacy. What will be your legacy?

Your life is rooted in Jewish experiences connecting you to the Jewish community. Chances are that you already support Jewish charitable organizations. Participating in Life & Legacy helps secure Temple Israel Columbus for future generations.

Leaving a legacy is simple! Your gift can be of any size and structured to fit your lifestyle and financial needs.

Interested in finding out more? Contact rsilverman@templeisrael.org

Life & Legacy

“As my ancestors planted for me, so too will I plant for my children.”

Talmud Ta’anit

Foundation Funds

Cantorial/Music Fund            Paula & Stuart Levine Chair of Cantorial Music Fund

Cemetery Funds
The Cemetery Fund
The David Aron Weinberg Memorial Fund

Cultural Activities Fund
The Reva & Sol Shaman Cultural Fund
The Raymond & Pauline Kahn Art & Archives Fund
The Jane F. Goodman Art & Education Endowment Fund

Discretionary Fund
The Herbert & Betty Schiff Fund

Education Funds 
The Sally & Sidney Blatt Fund
The Laura Browar Fund                Rabbi Jerome & Bessie Folkman Institute for Jewish Studies Fund
The Elizabeth & Myer Hausman Fund
The Joseph Jacobs Fund
The Adam Stuart Linhart Confirmation Fund
The Loeb Family Jewish Camp Scholarship Fund
The George & Trudy Nacht Education Fund
The Milly & George Rosenberger Fund
The Henry & Joseph Saeman Youth Scholarship Fund
The Herbert & Betty Schiff Family Education Fund
The Edward Shnider Confirmation Class Trip Fund
The Leo Yassenoff Religious School Fund                                        Louis & Dorothy Escovitz Adult Education Fund

Leadership Funds
The Beatrice & Louis Krakoff Leadership Development Fund
The Ernest & Aurelia Stern Leadership Development Fund

The Albert & Viola Luchs Library Fund

Gundersheimer Music Fund
The Alexander & Ann Pollack Music Fund
The Simson Paintings Fund

Outreach/Interfaith Funds
The Sheila D. Erdos Social Action Fund
The Frank & Julia Glick Fund for Outreach/Interfaith
The Nacht Family Trust for Outreach/Interfaith

The Herbert & Dorothy Fenburr Fund

Temple Israel Special Purpose Funds
The Nancy & Louis Roseberry Goorey Annual Gift Endowment Fund
The Vince Solomon Family Fund
The Temple Israel Rainy Day Fund
The Temple Israel Endowment Fund for Maintenance Preservation
The Abraham B. & Ruth I. Weinfeld Fund                                        Joan & Norman Folpe Israel HS Youth Trip Fund                      Sherry Linhart Legacy Garden Fund

Torah and Prayer Books 

The Miriam R. Cohen Fund

Unrestricted Funds
The Garel & Roth Families Fund
The General Fund
The Pat & Elliott Grayson Fund
The Alan, Ruth, & Audra Longert Family Fund
The Mattlin Family Fund
The Stephen & Lynda Nacht Fund
The David & Beatrice Roth Fund
The Albert Schatenstein & Rose Schatenstein Fund
The Jody, Jeffrey, Jordan & Jamie Scheiman Fund
The Robert N. Shamansky Memorial Fund
The Martha & Milton Staub Memorial Fund
The Robert & Sue Kaynes Endowment Fund                        Joel & Phyllis Kingsley Family Fund Roger & Colleen Sugarman Family Fund                                      David Selcer Family Fund

Youth Funds
The Hamel & Jeannette Gurwin Children’s Fund
The Theodore & Bevlyn Simson Youth Activities Fund
The Nacht Rainy Day Fund
The Youth Fund, Established by Temple Israel Foundation

Other Funds
Building Preservation Fund, Established by Temple Israel Foundation
The Katherine L. Friedman Religious School Fund
The Levitin Fund                    Leonard Nusbaum Family Endowment Fund

Our Life & Legacy Member Donors