Why our congregants have decided to commit to the future of Temple Israel Columbus
Temple Israel’s legacy donors are members like you who are making a promise to Jewish generations to come: a promise that these generations will have a thriving Jewish community to embrace and enrich their lives.
Interested in learning more about legacy giving? Please contact our Executive Director, Natalie Adler at nadler@templeisrael.org
“For the past 60 years, the Jewish community has been extremely meaningful to us and our children. We want to continue this legacy for the future of Jewish families.”
“For the past 60 years, the Jewish community has been extremely meaningful to us and our children. We want to continue this legacy for future Jewish families.”
Endowment giving is critical to ensure the future of the Temple. When we are gone, this legacy endures in our acts and acts of all the people we influence.
“I decided to establish a Legacy gift because Temple Israel connects us to each other, our spiritual selves & our larger community. For me, these elements help heal the world.”
“I’m participating in Life & Legacy because it’s my duty & privilege as a Jew to support my community for as long as I’m able.”
“Temple is a part of our being–that’s why we wanted to find a way to give back. We wanted to make a meaningful contribution, so we made a legacy gift by naming the foundation as a partial beneficiary of Bob’s retirement plan.”
“Life & Legacy means a loving and open community will be here in the future providing for those seeking meaning and truth in their Jewish home.”
“Temple Israel has been our Jewish home since the mid-80s. Our commitment to Life & Legacy is a way to ensure this supportive community exists for future generations.”
“The Life & Legacy program provided us an opportunity to support [Temple Israel’s] work for many decades to come.”
“After the loss of my beloved husband, Temple Israel gave me the strength to go forward. I’m forever grateful & hope our membership can join me by making sure both today & the future will be supported through the Life & Legacy program.
“With our Life & Legacy gift we hope to ensure that Temple Israel will continue to impact lives long after we are gone.”
“The Temple Israel Foundation is a means of keeping one’s legacy assured for many generations through the future success of the Temple.”
“We want to ensure that other families have the same opportunity to engage, learn & grow in a thriving congregation for years to come.”
“Support through a donation & bequest underscores faith in Temple Israel’s continuing to meet the needs of its members & the community.”