Lifecycle Events

Baby Namings & Bris
The Simcha of a new life is celebrated at Temple Israel Columbus in several ways. Our clergy is happy to officiate at a bris or baby naming. Each family chooses the best place for their celebration. Temple Israel Columbus offers to celebrate with new parents & congregants during a Friday night service or privately at home.
This ritual usually occurs when children are in Kindergarten. Those who don’t yet have Hebrew names are given them & those who already have Hebrew names celebrate theirs! The ceremony takes place during Erev Shabbat services closest to Simchat Torah. Children prepare songs & participate fully in the service. Older children who have not yet received Hebrew names are also encouraged to join in the festivities.

B’nai Mitzvah
Tailored to the needs of the student & their families, the clergy at Temple Israel Columbus offers B’nai Mitzvah services to members. Students are encouraged to learn in our Religious & Hebrew School programs. Students receive tutoring from a private mentor & our Cantor to complete the B’nai Mitzvah education. Dates are typically selected in 3rd or 4th grade years & preference is given to dates nearest a child’s 13th birthday.
Offered every other year, Confirmation class is open to those in 10th through 12th grade. Classes and learning sessions are led by our Senior Rabbi. On the Shabbat nearest Shavurot, Confirmands lead Friday night services as the culmination of their year of learning. Confirmands are then invited to take a trip to New York City to learn about the Jewish immigrant experience. This trip is generously sponsored by the Sanders family.

Our clergy officiate may weddings throughout the year, including those for interfaith & LGBTQ couples. The first step to arranging for the event is to contact our offices to see what dates are available. The wedding can be performed in our synagogue or at another suitable place convenient for the couple. Our clergy will arrange several meetings with the couple before the big day.
Temple Israel welcomes Jews by Choice & accepts as validly Jewish converts who work with ordained rabbis from any major Jewish denomination. Those interested in converting to Judaism are asked to take an introductory course & study with a member of our clergy. The conversion process can take some time & we encourage you to attend services as well as celebrate festivals & holidays at our synagogue during that time. When the candidate feels ready & the rabbi agrees, an interview is arranged with a Beit Din (Rabbinic Board) composed of three independent rabbis who discuss & examine the candidate’s wish & readiness to convert. After the Beit Din, the candidate immerses in the mikvah to complete the process.

Death & Mourning
Although it can be a difficult subject for many people, Judaism treats death as a natural part of the lifecycle, but understands we are never ready to lose loved ones. To help honor the person who has died, Temple Israel Columbus clergy provides memorial, graveside, funeral & unveiling services. Our Jewish cemeteries include Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens & Temple Israel Cemetery at Performance Way. Both cemeteries have cremation sections. Members who have lost loved ones will hear that person’s name read aloud at Erev Shabbat services for four Shabbatot. The name will be added to our Kaddish lists for future Yahrzeit observances.
Families are encouraged to share their special occasion with their fellow congregants by sponsoring a Happy Half Hour before Friday Night Shabbat services or an Oneg after. Contact us for more info & to secure your special date.